Thursday, January 11, 2007

Road rules

There are a few traffic lights in Kabul, and while they might work, they are disregarded by drivers. In fact, every rule of the road is totally broken here. Want to go down a one way street the wrong way? No problem. Want to park on the sidewalk? Go ahead. Want to ignore the official looking guy with the whistle in the middle of the road … act like he’s not there. Police, even though they have Kalashnikovs, aren’t paid that much attention to either (one person told me it is because they don’t have bullets). American, UN, and NATO forces are usually yielded to on the streets of Kabul because they have big guns and the bullets that go in them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You don't know me but my wife and I met your father, great man! My hat's off to you for the work that you're doing. Keep up the great work! MR