Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Montezuma visits Kabul

It was bound to happen. It has happened to every ex-pat I have met, and now I too have had my stomach Kabulled. Just imagine having the worst case of Montezuma’s Revenge in a place where there is no electricity, heat, or running water (yes, the plumbing pipes are still frozen and so toilets are not flushing) .. oh, and all the waste baskets are slotted. Needless to say I had a messy and hellish night. To understand
why Massood’s Revenge kicks Montezuma’s ass is to see the water system here. There are water pumps on the sides of the roads where people line up to get their water. Alongside the water pumps run the open sewer system. The water is clearly not well filtered and there is no health department monitoring the bacteria levels (and certainly no heath codes exist in local restaurants) which might explain the high rate of stomach aches among foreigners. It might also be because we get conned in to buying things like cream cheese by a company called “Puck.” Now I’ve sampled cream cheeses, and this isn’t it .. it is more like mayonnaise mixed with a white velveeta/cheeze wiz, and you can pretty easily guess what we have renamed “Puck” (for you bad guessers, it’s Puke). Also worth mentioning that I believe I have now come across a cheese I don’t like.

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