Monday, November 12, 2012

Down under, Downunder

Cairns is in northern, tropical Victoria and is the primary lauching pad for scuba divers heading out to the Great Barrier Reef. I joined 15 other divers for a 2-night, 3-day journey to the GBR so I cound tick off one of my bucket list items. Since I was spending more time underwater than above it, I didn't mind sharing a room the size of a closet with 6 other people. This photo shows the biggest bunks in the room (the others had less head space and were much narrower.
My only problem with my diving experience was fish names. The diver masters (and my fellow divers) were from all over the world and while they knew the names of the various fishes, they knew them in their native tongue. For example, in English we know it as "shark" but in Swedish it is "haj."
There were a lot of haj in the GBR but you'll have to wait for those photos to get developed the old fashioned way. Until that time, you can enjoy what 3 days on a boat with limited showers did to me.

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