Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Meet Linh

Pham Thi Thuy Linh is 13 years old and is waiting for an operation that will remove the hump from her back. She is scared of the operation, but she understands that weight needs to be taken off her spine so that she can live without pain. Most days the pain is so bad, she cannot walk. Linh is probably a victim of Agent Orange, but getting designated as such is more difficult now that the US and Vietnam have mended fences. Clearly it is not in the US’s interest to admit their wartime chemical continues to plague this country, and Vietnam doesn’t want to push the issue.
Linh was born without arms and has beautiful teeth. She is religious about her oral hygiene, and holds her toothbrush with her foot. She opens doors by using her head and chin and wears only elastic pants so that she can shimmy up and down bathroom walls to use the toilet. Linh lives in a “village” created by the Tu Du Hospital. She is one of 60 children who were born with defects and abandoned by their families. But she doesn’t want to go home even if her parents came back for her because she is happy and she loves her brothers and sisters. Linh spends most of her free time listening to pop music; she says she doesn’t dance … at least not yet.

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