Sunday, January 14, 2007

Media Monitoring

One of the things I am training my staff to do, is media monitor. What this means is that they are to go through published/aired reports from TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet and compile a comprehensive report to give to the Minister on a daily basis. I told them they are to look for important stories about women. Here is a sample of what I got:
Day 1 of media monitoring: stories about Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton. I explained that yes, these are women and they are important women, but that I want them to look for stories that are important to women HERE.
Day 2 of media monitoring: a roundup of headlines from the US. They assumed that by “here”, I meant in the office (and since I am an American, they assumed I wanted them to give me stories affecting me) . So, again, I learn that translation is key and that unless you want them to take you literally, you have to explain everything.
It is now Day 6 of training and they have improved. They backslide occasionally, but for the most part, their selections are now more Afghan-centric.

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