Afghanistan is all atwitter over the release of the
Bollywood movie "Kabul Express." It has been officially banned here and anyone caught selling, buying or owning a copy is subject to a 50,000
afs fine (equal to $1000
USD). A segment of the country's population is angry at how they are represented ... but before I get in to that, here's some context
Afghanistan is broken into 34 provinces and each province has a major ethnicity or tribe. The main tribes are the
Pashtun and the
Tajik and the smaller tribes are the
Hazara and
Taleban fighters are made up (primarily) of
Pashuns, but not all
Pashtun are
Taleban. It is fairly difficult to distinguish the tribes from each other, but the most obvious tribe (in terms of looks) is the
Hazara .. they are considered to have M
onogolian-esque features … and as one lady put it “they have wrong noses.” (meaning their noses are a little wider ad squatter than their fellow countrymen. I have the impression that the people here identify with their tribe first, and then with their country. It would stand to reason since this is a country of long standing civil wars. But I digress ...
so in the movie, the
Hazara believe they are depicted as poorly as the
Taleban are depicted, (and even worse) as poorly as the Pakistanis are depicted ... if there is something that ALL Afghans agree on, it is that everything Afghan is superior to anything from Pakistan.